PC gamers can delete Modern Warfare's campaign and multiplayer modes, but they cannot delete Warzone. Warzone sits at the core of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's design. On a technical level, this move makes a lot of sense.

Even with all of their resources, Activision Blizzard cannot separate these games into two launcher options. While a dedicated Warzone button for makes sense given the game's popularity, the free-to-play battle royale has effectively removed Modern Warfare from the view of gamers.

Modern Warfare is gone it has been replaced. Instead of being a component of Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Warzone is now the main component of Call of Duty's 2019 entry. Play the campaign, the network is naturally unavailable.What happened to Modern Warfare? It has disappeared from Activision Blizzard's launcher? What? Yes, one of the best Call of Duty games is no longer listed on the launcher, and it is because of Call of Duty: Warzone.Start the game, and go to the campaign window (restart may be needed).Start Steam, and press "YES" when Greenluma asks to "Use Save AppList".Run DLLInjector from the steam root folder, in the console window, enter the number: 20, then ENTER and copy (CTRL + V) all the following IDs there.Download Greenluma and drop it into the root folder of Steam (with the replacement of files).Download Koalageddon Install and run it by selecting "Install platform integration.".Download Warzone 2.0 from Steam, run it before accepting the license agreement and exit the game by holding alt + F4.Download the COD MW II 2022 latest release and move the Call of Duty HQ folder to steamapps\common.Disable antivirus or add files to exclusions.

How to install Modern Warfare II singleplayer using Warzone 2.0 Warning: the author of the crack assures that this will not lead to a Steam ban, we cannot confirm that this is true. Be ready that this might get fixed later. User Menjac123 posted a detailed guide on how to launch the game on Reddit. It became possible because the latter was put as a DLC for MW2 on Steam, and all the files appeared identical. Modern Warfare fans found an exploit that gives access to the game's single-player campaign using the free-distributed Warzone 2.0.